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Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries to give back to the St. Martha community.

Parish Groups

Women's Group

Our mission is to provide spiritual opportunities for our members, and build bonds of friendship through service projects, community efforts and social activities.


We meet on the second Sunday of each month

after 9:00 Mass in Hutton Hall.


​Open to all women of the parish. 

Contact Yulis Garcia at

or Judi Parker at 615-330-6276 for more information

St Martha's Golden Fellowship
(over 55) group

Meets in Hutton Hall on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 10:00am, for faith sharing, fellowship, and fun. 

The Men of St. Martha's

A men's apostolate aiming to offer opportunities for formation and to assist men in spiritually growing in their vocation. This looks like praying in common, learning together, and serving together.


For more information or to join contact Robert Skipper at

Intercessory Prayer

Submit a prayer request by name or anonymously.


Also, if you would like to be added as a prayer warrior please submit your name and email address.

Prayer Chain

Seven Sister Apostolate

The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a group of at least 7 women who commit to pray one holy hour each week for our pastor.

For more information or to join contact Lauren Delius at

Fasting Brothers

Fasting Brothers is a group of men offering various forms of fasting to augment the prayer efforts of the Seven Sisters group.  Each man prayerfully discerns the type of fasting he will offer and commits to fast a designated day of the week (excepting Sunday/Solemnities).

For more information or to join contact Stephen Delius at

Sunday Religious Education classes

The religious education program is always happy to have more volunteers to serve as a catechist, assistant, or substitute. 

Adults and teens, who have received the sacrament of Confirmation, are welcome to volunteer in the classrooms.

Classes are held on Sundays from 10:15-11:15.


Contact Lauren Delius at for more information or to volunteer.

Faith Formation

Totus Tuus and Totally Tuus

Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Planning activities

  • Leading crafts and games

  • Set up and clean up

  • Housing Totus Tuus missionaries

  • Providing lunch or dinner for missionaries


Contact Lauren Delius at for more information or to volunteer.

Serve during Mass

Altar Server

Serving as an altar server is a great religious privilege.


If you have a personal desire:

  • To serve at the Altar reverently, intelligently and punctually,

  • To make the short acts of preparation before, and of thanksgiving after, serving Mass,

  • To observe silence in the sacristy, and great reverence in the Sanctuary,


Please contact Father Butler or Wayne Fink after any of the Masses. †

Lectors are needed to proclaim the Word of God at the Saturday 5:30 pm, and Sunday 9:00 am Masses. Experience not necessary; training is provided.


Email for more information or to volunteer.



  • St. Martha Choir (9am Novus Ordo Mass)

  • St. Michael Children's Choir (11:30am TLM)

  • St. Cecilia Schola (11:30am TLM)

St. Martha Choir: Welcoming all singers ages 15 and up. 

St. Michael Children's Choir: Welcoming all singers ages 7-18.

St. Cecilia Schola: Welcoming all singers ages 16 and up.

For more information or to sign up contact Anna Pacek at or 815-690-3854.

Give back to the Parish Community

Cleaning of the Church

It takes approximately 2 hours to clean the church.  This includes vacuuming, cleaning windows in entryway and bathrooms.


Volunteers generally rotate on a monthly basis, cleaning one day per month. 

We can use more volunteers to add to the rotation

or as a substitute when needed.


Contact Judi Parker at 615-330-6276 for more information or to volunteer.

Liturgical Events

We plan special events for our parish and we can always

use more volunteers to help plan and organize events.


We meet by zoom, mostly, and you can be as active as

your schedule  permits.


Some of the events we've planned:

  • Mardi Gras potluck

  • St. Joseph's Table

  • Pentecost Bonfire

  • ​All Saints Day party

St. Martha's Hospitality Guild

St. Martha's Hospitality Guild is a group of men and women who serve the needs of parishioners and build community through:

  • building a network of neighbors to call on when someone needs help-- for example, mowing the lawn for a parishioner after surgery or helping with a ride to Mass if someone's car breaks down

  • supporting parishioners during life events-- with prayer and organizing meal trains for births, illnesses, family losses, etc.

  • welcoming new parishioners-- individually get to know new members, helping them build new friendships and integrate into parish life

Email to let us know how we can help-- meals, prayers, or other ways we can support you.

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